They're thin little strips of some sort of polymer, perfectly clear, designed to adhere to your PSP's faceplate right over the screen. They come in packs, often bundled with cleaners and microfiber cloths. They're available all over the Net and in brick-and-mortar stores. Part of that research included deciding whether to purchase and use screen protectors. Not only have I lived with, played with, and worked with my PSP, but I've also made it a point to research the bejesus out of it. I've likely read all the same PSP FAQs that you have. I tried polishing the screen with facial tissues (not the kind with lotion, of course), soft cloths, scraps of cotton T-shirts, and other stuff. I've tried all kinds of things on the screen, including diluted rubbing alcohol, diluted Windex, and distilled water. One speck of dust can ruin the entire experience for me.

To this day, I clean that thing almost every time I pick it up. When the screen was nice and clean and polished, I proceeded to play games. The first thing I learned to do to a PSP was clean it. Dust, smudges, and crusty stuff deposited by my children's fingers make me insane.

I hate stuff on my display screens: a computer CRT, a laptop LCD, a television set, or a PSP. If you are anything like me, that annoys the holy heck out of you. You may notice that whenever you touch it while you're not wearing surgical gloves, you leave visible fingerprints. One problem with the PSP is that its entire front panel is very smooth and very shiny.