It consists of various principles of ethics in the deeds that will help all Muslims to achieve bliss and Peace of Mind. It offers you a path to follow to be a better human being and ensure a better place in the hereafter. Every word of the Holy Quran acts as a healer for your heart. The Holy Quran is the everlasting miracle of the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is the only guidance you require if you are a believer. Unlike other religious scriptures, the Holy Quran is protected by Allah Almighty himself which ensures the importance of the Quran. It was revealed over 23 years ago and Muslims still believe the Quran is the holy scriptures that have not been altered and have no doubts about its authenticity. The Quran was verbally revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by angel Jibril in the holy Islamic month of Ramadan in 609CE.

The holy Quran is the last holy scripture from Allah Almighty. The laws laid on the Holy Quran at the words of Allah Almighty and by following it, He guarantees us to attain paradise. The Quran is the word of Allah almighty himself and has divine guidance for all Muslims. As he has so much importance in every aspect of the Holy Quran because of its divine revelation. The Holy Quran is a message from Allah Almighty to live a healthy life physically as well as mentally. It is the best way to take classes globally and master any course in which you are interested with a little effort. Our protective environment is created so that everyone can feel safe and as if they are sitting with each other.

Teachers and students can call each other and share screens too. Skype is the best and most useful application because it provides a simple platform for learning the Quran and Islam online and allows video and audio communication. The number of learners increases day by day with the help of our exclusive services. Our online skype classes help students and teachers to participate in the discussion and interact easily which will raise the communication level between both of them just like they can do in a physical room. Rising Quran Online School makes it easier for the students to use Skype to Polish their knowledge and acquire new knowledge as well. Muslims can connect with the teachers to learn from them by taking online courses from different schools.

Skype provides the best opportunity for the distant student to study the basics of the Holy Quran. It is important to learn face to face with the teachers in the physical room, however, online Skype Quran classes will also prove to be beneficial in Western countries. It is not always important that teachers should be in the room to deliver you teachings of the Holy Quran.